
Pinky the Crocodile

Could You Tell Me Something about the Traditional Culture of Japan?

All About Me Part 3 - June 2014 ~

August 28, 2014

Wow, that's a big question. Where should I begin? Well… I'm going to tell you about a Japanese annual event.

I think Christmas is one of the most important events for Westerners, but New Year's holiday is important one for Japanese.

We clean up the whole house for the New Year, then we gather the whole family on New Year's Eve and we eat Toshikoshi soba. It's year-crossing noodle. This custom allows us to let go of the hardships of the New Year because soba noodles are easily cut while eating.

A lot of people visit temples before midnight in order to ring the bells on New Year's Eve. 108 times in total. That was told to represent the number of Kleshas in Buddhism, including states of mind such as anxiety, fear, anger, jealousy, desire, depression, etc.

From New Year's Day to January 3rd, we visit shrines to pray to God for our happiness. I love to draw a fortune.

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